The Inside Out Podcast

Stop comparing Abraham to God the father!

Episode Summary

In this premiere episode host Lynton Felix is joined by panelist Jamie Espinal, Brian Bentley, Ed Varfley and Michael Manley. The discussions range from the greatest athletes in both football and basketball to each panelist own personal sports legacy. We also touch on the greatest basketball era's and try and come to an agreement on who the G.O.A.T. is of the NBA.

Episode Notes

2:32   Our guests Jamie, Brian, Mike & Ed share their individual involvement in sports at any level. We learned how sports, for Jamie, was used as a way for him to stay busy and keep him from ever thinking of straying academically or socially.

16:12  Favorite sports teams & players. We learn how team fandom is shaped by our geographical locations as well as by the overall exposure of athletes on national television. This definitely explains how a kid from New Orleans becomes a Pittsburgh Steelers fan!

26:55  We delved into the differences in the era's of basketball from 1970 to present. Panelist tell us which one they preferred and why.  We delve into how the player empowerment movement has both positively and negatively affected the game.

52:25 The great G.O.A.T. debate of the NBA is the subject of this segment and low and behold which player from Chicago is the majorities choice! But our host has a retort and point of view that causes some dismissive looks. Ultimately the conversation leads into discussion of legacies and who would you rather take a lasy second shot between Bron and Larry Bird.

1:14:48 Transitioning from the G.O.A.T. conversation we discuss the current mentality of the NBA's current crop of players and how a future league face after LeBron retires has not even been born.

1:45:18 We march strong towards the conclusion of our podcast with a heartfelt moment of discussion.  Expressions of sentimentality lead the way in discussing our favorite sports moment.


The Inside Out Podcast is an original production from L.Felix Media. Follow The Inside Out Podcast on IG(@inside_outpodcast), Twitter(@LFelixMedia1), Facebook(The Inside Out Podcast) and Youtube(L.FelixMedia)